One Earth, One Life, One Chance...Go Green

Changing waves....Keep the Track

Posted by Vikramsinh at Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is my first blog. Here I will try to discuss, explain, elaborate very interesting things that fascinate me and make me wonder for all of my life. You can ask anything related to the matter, if you are curious we can debate also. Things that attract my attention have deep impact on my thoughts. Many things hit my mind and change the direction of my thoughts. They are like giant waves in the deep sea, when they rise they take behemoth ships with them, no matter how strong and powerful ships are or how fiercely they are fighting against the water to get in the direction they are destined for.

As human beings we evolved over the period of time from Stone Age to current era of science and technology, making life extremely volatile and incredibly complex. You absolutely don't know what woe or joy next moment will bring to your life. So it’s very important to make most out of every moment gifted to you. I think Life is a continuous celebration and we can celebrate it only when we see life from that prospective. Life is a very complicated optimization problem with so many variables. We can not maximize each and every variable individually, but we have to consider all of them at the same time and optimize it within the constraints imposed by real world situations. It’s a bit mathematical, till this point you have got some vague idea what’s the first thing that impacts my thoughts deeply. Yes, you guessed it right, it’s MATHS. No it’s not frightening; some people just don't want to understand the simplicity and beauty of mathematics. As time will pass, you will come to know about the other areas of my interest. Don't make impression that I am going to discuss some boring and complicated math’s problems. Not at all..!!! Instead we will learn its simplicity and why it is called as the Queen of all sciences.

Many other things turn me on. To list down, some are, History (It includes many things, I am especially interested in WWI and WWII , post war situations, Middle East conflict, French and Russian revolutions..etc). Sports (with wide range ...special interests are Formula 1, Cycle racing, Cricket, Football, Chess, Baseball..etc).

To add more, Current affairs, Sketching, Painting (watercolours), Movies (generally Hollywood...even Bollywood people have some latent talent), Music related bands, Medicine (Its inspiration source lies in my family, Doctors have it in their blood...I am not a doctor so don't expect much deeper knowledge like medical professional ..but still enchanting world), TV soaps (Hindi soaps are strictly no no...) , Science and technology, Inspirational people, Engineering feats achieved by man, Greek mythology, Books and Novels...list is never ending.

If any of the above mentioned things grab your attention then keep the can get here lot of amazing things and will come to know many things we see in the real world are merely illusions.



1 Unknown said...

Can't wait to read your posts. One suggestion, break the post into small paras as it makes it easy to scan the hidden wealth of information !!

2 Unknown said...

I would look forward to your blog as a knowledge warehouse of all the topics you mentioned.

All the best

3 Vikramsinh said...

@rakesh Thanks, I edited the post. Any other suggestions are always welcome.

@yash thanks ...I will add new post soon.

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